A family of cultural changemakers.
A prototype for sovereign collectives.

The society society's been waiting for...

embedded in the grand story of historical transition.

A creator family with a supportive narrative and economic eco-system for radically bold projects.

Enriched by a culture of generosity, protected in it's design for our true nature to emerge.

Sharing knowledge, content, networks, resources and tools to compound creative output in an evolving AI landscape.

A trust network for embodied futurists, giving space for sense-making, and imaginative play in the infinite game.

Providing for purpose driven agents of the shift, a place to call home.

By connecting to a larger whole,
you become more.

Agents of the collective tend a cultural narrative design ecology, where genius is compounded in capture and expansion, and personal visions are pattern-matched for profound significance in the society to come.
A creative studio space of paradigm shift strategy. We come to collectively weave stories of ambition into a radical future of hyperstition.
Our players become agents of the regenerative ark for historical transcendence, acting guides to the infinite game and the great shamanic attractor.

We imagine the cultural catalyst space where ideas flow to convergence, flexible teams emerge in belief, and trust finds it's place in deep recognition.

Purpose from curiosity.
Freedom by contribution.
Support in community.

Help from where you are.
With you all the way.

Your Digital Home.

How do we enter multi-player in our missions? Members design central personalised cockpits to overview their projects, embedded in the movements of the network.

Combining pioneering tools of networked thought in pursuit of the ideal collective home, where our resonance sings a symphony.

Community curated content, ideas, strategies, techniques and resources are there at your fingertips.

Elegant social intersecting of needs, struggles and intentions gives others the chance to fill in the gaps.

Trust in the network made of your kind.

Contribution to others in the collective builds social capital for your long term growth.

Give what you can, when you can.
Get help when you need it.

A network of trust and reputation protects from those on the take, so you can feel secure in how you choose to give.

Free yourself from the machine.
Live in and with humanity.

Accumulate potential with others.

This sharing network brings expanded freedom to our lives by making use of our spare capacity, resources or assets.

We value your insight and craft, so cultivate development and opportunities in line with your vision of self, within a wider whole that supports eachother on that journey.

Growing an ecosystem out from our needs, for holistic lifestyle design.

Make it well.
Make it once.
Share it with the community.
Open it to the world.

Friends that give a fuck.

We build a system of mutual support by committing to each-other for the future, formed on shared values and trust, this lays the fundamental blocks for creation.

A new social contract born from your network, giving you the tools to collaborate with the people that matter to you.

Honest support from your believers.

It's someone there to give you feedback, wise on your challenge, helping you break through that wall.

Ideas or struggles within projects are surfaced to those who'd be interested to help, partner or collaborate in a team.

United we can specialise in our passions, while being free in our ambitions.

Curated by a system and a people that know you.

Common pools of resources create a third brain of vetted knowledge at your fingertips, grown and maintained by partners, members and contributors.

Jobs and opportunities from anywhere, opened up to the whole.
Every innovation on process, shared across disciplines.
Giving the benefits of companies and supercharging your workflow, carving paths to new markets and the audiences that need you.

Aligned by culture, supported by blockchain.

Projects can kick off in the collective from a variety of agreements.
Equity, cash and reputation can all be balanced to create custom omni-win relationships.

Allowing "skin in the game" collaborations means success is spread among contributors, promoting ownership of work over trading of time.

With the combined marketing might of the ONCE network, we iterate on a truly generative environment for ever expanding awareness.

Collaborate for a lifestyle designed.

The containers of the ONCE ecosystem support the purpose and lifestyle of each member in the whole, promoting those with eyes on the horizon, embodying the values it calls for.

We bring the projects, people and ideas that speak to your ambitions, giving pathways to new passions through freedom, contribution and alignment.

Co-designed physical spaces act as our experiential visions of the future,
the launchpads of strategies, and our communal oasis of belief, connection and truth.

Discover your true identity with curiosity and practice.
Design life from that core.

Emotional discomfort, explored among family.

Rigorous commitment to evolving with each-other, our relationships reflect us in our wholeness and challenge how we show up.

Bringing awareness to our interactions and a growth driven perspective to all that we do.

Open feedback to fellow members helps cover all blindspots.
Together we build a toolbox of lights, mirrors, and frames to see ourselves and the world with clarity.

Shared for all to build from...

Your central identity, protected in sovereignty.

Imagine bringing all the ways of knowing identity into a central space.

Gradually organising your perspectives and history to help you build a holistic wisdom of yourself, sharable with those you trust.

Let us walk in your shoes, for together, we'll design the ideal ones you'll need for the journey ahead.

Mapping our path so others can join us on the journey

These centralised and honest identities help us navigate with honesty and clarity in our projects.

Aligning our ambitions for ultimate intrinsic leverage, our advantage comes through our collectivism.

Aim for the divine

Through deep insight from shared exploration, the path to self actualisation begins to emerge.
By uniting you to co-creators on similar roads, with egos placed on the table, in service to the mission....
...your sights can be set far higher.

And when you find that solution, that problem you were made to solve, we will help you show it to the world.

The How and the Where

The community is maintained through a combination of semi-regular calls, open and private spaces online, and telegram groups set up for location or discipline specific callouts. 

Currently in this beta phase of the collective, core membership is based on loyalty and contribution.

In return for for social and professional support, when a client project is on the horizon, freelance members chosen for the project are expected to make best effort to book out the time, and work for less than their usual market rate. 

There are many pathways of contribution toward the mission of ONCE, custom suited to the needs and abundance of each member.

However membership benefits can also be gained through a variety of other means. All providing different levels of access based on their degree of commitment and value to the collective as a whole.

Contribution to collective projects

Sharing assets, resources or opportunities with the collective

Collaborating with other members on their projects

Engagement in the community with feedback or advice

Multiple levels of involvement are available in the collective depending on comfort for commitment.
Those entering trust networks make a stake with sweat effort or resources, and can invite new members once vouched for by the community.


Radical Honesty

As The Collective is built on a network of trust, seeking honesty in all interactions is a high priority.

Honesty in our abilities, mistakes, weaknesses and strengths helps mitigate risk and bring growth as a community.

The power of creating open feedback loops between each-other builds a resilient culture, prepared for whatever challenges present themselves, personally and collectively.

Not something for a poster, but active practice.
Within these boundaries we have nothing to hide.

Grow without Ego

By frequently seeking true feedback across areas, we prioritise long term growth over short term pain.

Critical personal or project feedback helps ensure Collective resources are put to best use.

We strive to recognise our own fallacies, biases and traumas through collaboration.

The stories we share and live into, demand a transcendent belief supported by this integrative process, keeping ego in check.

It's expected to give and receive honest feedback in each engagement, with a mutual curiosity to explore and improve.

Committed to the Gift

Once sets out to change a cultural and economic mindset of scarcity, to one of abundance.
From rivalry to true collaboration.

Generosity creates a generative cycle and gratitude increases the gift as it flows.
Influenced by some of the oldest models of tribal cohesion, this commitment to each-other will develop a kind of community rarely seen in the modern world.

Take up the call to help others achieve and it will come back tenfold.

Just don’t forget to send the elevator back down.